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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Macapa, Brasilien   
Saturday, 22. February 2025
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Macapa, Brasilien

36002 Pontevedra
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Telefon: +34 986 85 52 00
The Port of Marin is at a crucial point in its mid-term development. Various significant projects are underway, both in terms of infrastructures and of our quality assurance and environmental policies.

In the next four years, the largest capital outlay in the history of this Port is to be implemented. The length and draught of the mooring quays are to be extended and the inner road system and esplanades improved. All this will enhance the Port of Marin’s ability to cope with future demands and trends in international shipping. But apart from these large-scale building works, the Port of Marin maintains its clear client-based vocation through high quality services that differentiate it from other ports and provide it with a competitive edge even in such difficult times as the present economic downturn. In this sense, this Port Authority is also investing heavily in the development of the fishing sector, where quality has always been the hallmark of the Marin fresh fish market.

And so I take up my appointment as President of the Port Authority of Marin and Ría de Pontevedra with the clear objective of strengthening this Port on all fronts to generate wealth and employment in our area of influence. For this purpose, I rely on each and every one of us – the efforts and dedication of all Port Authority employees, the support of government agencies and the commitment of the companies and clients that make up this port community. It is both our mission and our challenge to stand at the forefront of development in the area and make this Port a reference in the shipping world.

   Hits: 1302




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