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Vyborg, Russland |
188900 Vyborg Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können Website Telefon: +7 81278 31859 "BAFF-Vyborg" is active in the chartering markets of Russiaand other regions worldwide, with vessels offered throught the company for the import and export of all types of cargo. The company compiles routes and sailing schedules according to the specific needs of its principals, ensuring delivery on schedule and providing vessels upon request at cost-effective rates. "BAFF-Vyborg" has the know-how and facilities to match cargoes and vessels, whether scheduled or incidental, arranging and coordinating the fulfillment of contacts between owners, shippers and customers on routes all over the world. Through its extensive communications network, "BAFF-Vyborg" is active in the local and international brokerage markets for Baltic, Mediterranean, Black Sea and worldwide shipping. The full range of services is supported by our direct connections with major shippers and brokers around the world to ensure constant employment of ships.
To enable it to provide this exceptionally wide range of services, "BAFF-Vyborg" is supported by an international network of brokers and suppliers in the fields of chartering, sale and purchase. |
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