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Trelleborg, Schweden |
SE-231 21 Trelleborg Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können Website Telefon: +46 410 36 37 00 Trelleborg Hamn AB shall offer its customers and the customer’s customer efficient cargo handling and warehousing services. The Port will be one of the most important links between Swedish industry and their European markets. Our servicesTrelleborgs Hamn AB provides port- and warehousing services in the port of Trelleborg. The port is one of the major RoRo and ferry ports in Scandinavia. Since October 31, 2005, Trelleborgs Hamn AB is the owner of all port facilities including real estate. This means that the company is also responsible for investments as well as operation and maintenance of all assets. The company has three business areas: port, handling and property management Today six ferry lines connect Trelleborg with Germany and Poland, one to Swinoujscie, one to Sassnitz, two to Rostock and two to Travemünde. In total 13 so called RoPax vessels provide the services. In addition the port handles grain, fertilizers and oil/styrene. |
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