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Sillamäe, Estonia |
40231 Sillamäe Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können Website Telefon: +372 640 5271 Port of Sillamäe (SILPORT) is:
It is located only 25 km from the EU-Russian border and, hence, can serve as an efficient platform for the distribution of goods to neighbouring markets of:
As a multifunctional port, SILPORT has an infra- and superstructure capable to handle all cargo groups from oil-products and dry bulk to containerised cargo. Natural depth of up to 16 m at the quaysides of the port are sufficient for servicing the largest vessels that can enter the Baltic Sea through the Danish Straights. Sillamäe Free Zone status (with 0% taxes and duties) in combination with the liberal fiscal policy of Estonia (0% corporate income tax on retained earnings) provides companies an efficient business environment in SILPORT for value-added distribution and manufacturing in the region. |
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