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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Fowey, Cornwall, UK   
Sunday, 23. February 2025
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Fowey, Cornwall, UK

PL23 1AJ. Cornwall
Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können
Telefon: +44 (0) 1726 832471

Welcome to the Port of Fowey website.

Fowey Harbour is situated on the south coast of Cornwall, approximately halfway between Plymouth and Falmouth. The river Fowey also gives its name to the town of Fowey situated on the western side of the estuary. On the eastern bank of the estuary mouth is the village of Polruan.

Check here for all of our contact details, mailing List and useful website links
Fowey is a deep water harbour that is a very important exporting port on the South West peninsula, being the largest in tonnage terms. It is also in the top twelve ports for non-oil product exports in the United Kingdom. Fowey Harbour Commissioners provide the important pilotage and towage services for the export of China Clay through Fowey to destinations all over the world.

Fowey accommodates over 7000 visiting craft through the summer season and has up to 1500 resident craft. Fowey Harbour is a picturesque place to visit with good facilities and a friendly atmosphere. You'll find all the information you need to assist in planning a visit to Fowey. 

Fowey Harbour Commissioners have a policy for making all of the Official Harbour Publications widely available. The Fowey Harbour Charter may be viewed on our website, while the larger documents are available for downloading in Adobe Acrobat pdf format. Documents downloaded from this website may appear in a different format to that of our published reports.
Harbour Notices
Fowey Harbour post notices to mariners and newsletters on our website at regular intervals. Check here for all up-to-date Notices
It has always been a primary policy for Fowey Harbour Commissioners to ensure that environmental considerations figure highly in port operational planning and management. This section illustrates some of the current environmental programmes being undertaken by the Commissioners.
Should you require any information about the Port of Fowey that is not available on our website, please do contact the Harbour Office as below.
Capt. Sutherland
Harbour Master & Chief Executive
Fowey Harbour Commissioners

   Hits: 1179




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