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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Gdynia, Poland   
Sunday, 23. February 2025
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Gdynia, Poland

81-386 GDYNIA
Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können
Telefon: (+48 58) 621 79 77

Three anchorages are available to the east of the breakwater and south of the leading line to the main entrance in depths from 10.0 to 20.0 metres. Anchorage No 3 is for tankers only. The seabed is fine sand and the Hel Peninsula protects the roadstead.


The Port Gdynia is protected by a 2.5 km breakwater and has a total of 17,700 metres of quays of which over 11,000 metres are for commercial use. The port covers a total of 755.4 hectares including 492.6 hectares of land area.


The Port of Gdynia can be entered from one of three main routes: from the sea to the east, from Gdańsk to the south and from Puck Bay to the north. All entrances are hazard free. The main entrance is 150 metres wide with a depth of 14.0 metres. The outer breakwater is 2.5 km long.


Gdynia is a non-tidal port.


The service is provided by Unipil, a private company, and is compulsory for all vessels over 40 metres LOA. Pilots board at Gdynia roads.


Towage is compulsory for ships over 90 metres LOA and for ships over 70 metres LOA carrying dangerous goods. Towage is provided by WUŻ Port & Shipping Services Company Ltd.

Hazardous cargo

The Port Gdynia is able to handle and store hazardous cargo.

Arrival information

Pre-arrival information to harbour master.

Radio information

Pilot station can be contacted on VHF Channel 12.

Fresh water

Supplied from berthside hydrants.


Reception facilities available.

Veterinary inspection

There is a Border Veterinary Control Station in warehouse No 25A of the Baltic Container Terminal.

Working hours

The port operates 24 hours a day on a threeshift system.

   Hits: 1182




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