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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Hanstholm, Dänemark   
Sunday, 23. February 2025
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Hanstholm, Dänemark

DK-7730 Hanstholm
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Telefon: +45 96 55 07 10

More than 150 from The North Denmark Region, The Municipality of Thisted, the trade and the area in general participated yesterday 6thJune, when the General Manager and the Board of Directors of Port of Hanstholm, presented an ambitious development plan with investments of a size of 1 billion DKK.


Chairman of the Board, Mr. Poul Arne Jensen made the welcome at the meeting and expressed both pride and gratitude for the great work that has been made during the past 9 months, when 50 business people, politicians, consultants and public servants have worked with great commitment and participation to make the plan. Hanstholm is now placed on the European map, said Poul Arne Jensen and continued We are good at Fishing and we plan on continuing this development. In the plan that has been made Fishing will also in the future be "the core business" but in order for us to 2-3-double our turnover, which is the goal, we must have legs to stand on and here we have chosen 2 other areas: Goods & Ferries and Climate & Energy.

Poul Arne Jensen encouraged politicians and others to support the plan so that the required financing will succeed and so that the plan can come into effect within 5-10 years.

   Hits: 1236




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