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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Island Harbour, Bluff, South Island, New Zealand   
Sunday, 23. February 2025
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Island Harbour, Bluff, South Island, New Zealand

9842 Bluff
Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können
Telefon: 03 212 8159

Welcome to South Port New Zealand Ltd (South Port), the southern most commercial deep water port in New Zealand. Located at Bluff and operating 24 hours a day, 364 days of the year, South Port takes pride in its ability to manage a diverse range of cargoes. These include bulk, break bulk and project cargoes using the excellent infrastructure and mobile plant in place to discharge, load, sort and store our customers goods. In addition the Company operates a container terminal including vanning and devanning operations as well as a full container servicing function.

South Port’s primary assets located at the Port of Bluff consist of a 40 hectare (100 acre) man-made Island Harbour where the main port operations take place; a dedicated wharf and causeway servicing Rio Tinto’s New Zealand Aluminium Smelter; a town wharf structure used for servicing the coastal petroleum industry and bunkering vessels.

South Port provides pilotage, towage, berthage and full marine services to international and coastal vessels including the southern fishing fleet. The characteristics of the Island Harbour provide a high standard of security and South Port also complies with the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) requirements under the Maritime Security Act.

There is 21,500 m2 of dry warehousing and 39,500 m3 of cold storage situated on the Island Harbour being used for a variety of customer warehousing requirements.

The Company is listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange with majority shareholding being held by Environment South.

   Hits: 1300




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