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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Kokkola, Finnland   
Sunday, 23. February 2025
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Kokkola, Finnland

67900 Kokkola
Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können
Telefon: +358 (0)6 8242 400

Core Activities

  • Professional and efficient handling of dry bulk: Conveyor systems from railway wagons into the warehouses and from the warehouse with loading conveyor systems into the vessel’s hold.
  • Multipurpose 40 ton cranes on rails.
  • Quality handling of general cargo:
  • All types of containers, break bulk and neobulk, sawn timber, project cargoes.
  • Efficient handling of liquid bulk
  • Warehouses and terminals: A total of 70,000 m2 of covered warehouse space

Competitive Advantages

  • An excellent location for serving the major part of Finnish export and import transports.
  • An All Weather Terminal (AWT) offering unique conditions for general cargo operations.
  • A safe draft of 13 m to the Deep Port that allows Panamax class vessels of up to 80,000 DWT to enter the port.
  • Good and constantly improving railway and road connections to other parts of Finland as well as into Russia.
  • Continuous development and investments in modern cargo handling equipment and the infra structure of the Port.

Success Factors

  • Customer oriented approach.
  • Instant availability of required services.
  • Competitive pricing policy.
  • Customer induced and flexible development of the port
  • Latest technical handling solutions.

   Hits: 1253




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