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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Kotka, Finland   
Sunday, 22. December 2024
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Kotka, Finland

48310 KOTKA
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Telefon: +358 207908800
The Port of Kotka has traditionally been the foremost export port in Finland. Today, it is much more. It has evolved into a full-service logistics hub, specialised in serving the global logistics needs of Finnish and Russian foreign trade.

In recent years, the supply of value-added logistics services has been in focus at the Port of Kotka. There are at present almost 100 enterprises engaged in port-related operations working in conjunction with the Port of Kotka. More and more of these companies are concentrating on value-added logistics services. This is why the Port of Kotka has become a forerunner in the area of the Baltic Sea, attracting visitors from all parts of the world.

Even the most demanding logistics problems find a solution in Kotka. The mere basic facilities of Kotka render it an unsurpassed option. Geographical location next to the Helsinki region but still in the heartland of the Finnish wood-processing industry and immediately next to Russia with excellent road, rail and deep-sea connections give us a superior logistics advantage. On top of this, we can offer a frequent and regular shipping line network to Europe and further to all other parts of the world, competitive cargo handling machinery, and – above all – a wide spectrum of motivated enterprises providing innovative logistics services. The end result is a package which also secures the logistics competitiveness of your enterprise.

   Hits: 1079




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