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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Long Beach, Kalifornien, USA   
Sunday, 23. February 2025
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Long Beach, Kalifornien, USA

CA 90801 Long Beach

The Port of Long Beach is one of America’s premier seaports and a trailblazer in goods movement and environmental stewardship.

Trade valued annually at more than $100 billion moves through Long Beach, making it the second-busiest seaport in the United States. Everything from clothing and shoes to toys, furniture and consumer electronics arrives at the Port before making its way to store shelves throughout the country. Specialized terminals also move petroleum, automobiles, cement, lumber, steel and other products.

A major economic force, the Port supports more than 30,000 jobs in Long Beach, 316,000 jobs throughout Southern California and 1.4 million jobs throughout the United States. It generates about $16 billion in annual trade-related wages statewide.

With a Green Port Policy guiding efforts to minimize or eliminate negative environmental impacts, the Port also is a catalyst for innovative environmental programs. Serving as a model for ports around the world, the Port of Long Beach pioneered such programs as the Green Flag vessel speed reduction air quality program, Green Leases with environmental covenants and the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan. With these bold initiatives, the Port is dedicated to improving air quality more quickly and aggressively than has ever been attempted by any seaport, anywhere in the world.

For these reasons and more, the Port is recognized internationally as one of the world’s best seaports and locally as a partner dedicated to helping the community thrive.

   Hits: 1274




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