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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow # # Peterhead, Scotland, UK   
Sunday, 23. February 2025
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# # Peterhead, Scotland, UK

AB42 1DW Peterhead
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Telefon: 01779 483600

Peterhead Port Authority came into being on the 1st January 2006 with the merger of Peterhead Bay Authority and Peterhead Harbour Trustees. The new organisation is responsible for the management, operation and development of the Port of Peterhead. The port comprises two areas - Peterhead Bay Harbour and the Harbours of Peterhead. 

Peterhead Bay Harbour is a deep water natural inlet protected from the sea by two breakwaters. Within the sheltered harbour there is approximately 2.1km of alongside berthing, with minimum water depths of up to 14 meters at low tide. The port developed round the North Sea oil and gas industry but in recent years has diversified the range of vessels and commodities handled to include cruise vessels, project cargo, frozen fish and pleasure yachts. The oil industry still forms the core activity in this part of the port which includes sectors such as oil rig IRM, survey, diving support, offshore logistics, safety vessels, subsea construction and decommissioning.

The Harbours of Peterhead have traditionally serviced the fishing and bulk cargo sectors. Peterhead is the UK's leading white-fish port and one of the largest in Europe providing a full range of modern facilities to meet the complete needs of the industry. In addition to white fish, it is the UK's second largest pelagic (mackerel and herring) port. Four harbours provide over 1500 metres of quayside supported by first class shore-side services including fuel supplies, ice and water plants, ship repair and maintenance facilities at the slipway and drydock. 

Local stevedores are experienced in handling bulk agricultural products such as grain and fertilizer. The excellent deepwater berthing at the all weather Albert Quay makes it an ideal location for handling project cargo, mobilisation of diving support vessels and quayside fabrication.

Clients appreciate that an efficient port call cuts costs and saves time. Using Peterhead Port makes your projects more profitable. We work in partnership with clients to deliver the most effective solution to their needs.

   Hits: 1221




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