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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Philadelphia, USA   
Sunday, 23. February 2025
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Philadelphia, USA

PA 19134 Philadelphia
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Telefon: Phone: 215-426-2600
For more than 300 years Philadelphia has been a great port city and a major center for international commerce. Only a few short years after William Penn's vessel "The Welcome" landed on the shores of the Delaware River, heralding the establishment of Penn's "City of Neighborhoods", Philadelphia became the New World's leading center for trade and commerce, a title it held for more than a hundred years. Even today, with major port complexes serving major metropolitan centers throughout the country, Philadelphia and its international seaport maintains a preeminent position in several areas of trade, such as the importation of perishable cargoes from South America (including grapes from Chile and bananas from Costa Rica), high-quality paper products from Scandinavia, and premium meat from Australia and New Zealand.

The Early Years

For most of its early history, the Port of Philadelphia thrived and expanded without major guidance from a central governing authority or organization.  Rather, disparate private concerns built and maintained piers and waterfront warehouses, moving a wide variety of goods through those facilities.  It was during these initial years that all manner of cargoes arrived or departed via the city’s docks, establishing the Port’s reputation for the fast, expert handling of any cargo imaginable and its central role in the economic health of the city and region. 

            Eventually, city government took a more active hand in the organization of the waterfront, and municipally owned piers and warehouses sprang up amidst the privately owned facilities.  Sadly, all of the municipal piers and warehouses of the 18th and 19th centuries are now long gone, though several piers from the early 20th century- recognizable by their ornate facades- still dot the waterfront, with some still actively handling cargo next to their more modern counterparts.

   Hits: 1262




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