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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Picton, Port Marlborough, New Zealand   
Sunday, 23. February 2025
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Picton, Port Marlborough, New Zealand

7250 Picton
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Telefon: +64 3 520 3399
The Port of Picton is one of the busiest ports in New Zealand, hosting some 4,000 ship visits each year.

A significant component of Port Marlborough’s business is the provision of facilities for tourism and leisure industry operators.  Inter-island ferry berths in Picton Harbour used by Interislander and Bluebridge facilitate the journeys of more than one million passengers per year.  Picton hosts a number of cruise ship visits each summer and both Picton and Havelock provide bases for a growing number of tourism and adventure-tourism operators.  The company is the second largest marina operator in New Zealand with marinas in Waikawa, Picton and Havelock that together comprise in excess of 1,250 berths and accommodate more than 400 additional vessels in boat sheds and storage compounds.

A deep-water berth at Waimahara Wharf in Shakespeare Bay services export shipping, with major cargoes of logs and salt.  All road and rail freight between the North and South Islands travels through Picton via the inter-island ferries.

Smaller facilities in Picton, Havelock, Elaine Bay and Oyster Bay service fishing fleets, marine farmers and barge operators as well as providing transport routes for the communities of the Marlborough Sounds. (See Marine Farming and Fishing

Port Marlborough New Zealand Limited has three subsidiaries:  Waikawa Marina Trustee Limited, PMNZ Marina Holdings Limited and Sounds Property Holdings Limited.

Both Waikawa Marina Trustee Limited and PMNZ Marina Holdings Limited were established to facilitate the sale of long-term berth entitlements in the Waikawa Marina extension. Sounds Property Holdings Limited (SPHL) has responsibility for matters associated with the development of Port Marlborough’s properties.

   Hits: 1429




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