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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Port Arthur, Texas, USA   
Sunday, 22. December 2024
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Port Arthur, Texas, USA



The ultimate direct transfer facility for international shipping. The Port of Port Arthur completed in the year 2000 an expansion that included all the operating features demanded by the
maritime industry.

The forest products industry wanted and got the finest transit shed to protect newsprint, linerboard, woodpulp, paperboard, plywood and lumber. To give them what they wanted, we not only duplicated the superior quality of our existing shed - we added extra large hanger type doors (36 ft. wide X 24 ft. high); state of the art lighting for 'round-the-clock safe traffic; an enclosed rail and truck apron for all-weather operations; and a storm water drain system throughout the apron dock that includes 36 ft. X 12 ft. door gratings. 

The metals industry wanted more open storage and rail accommodations. What they got was an extension of the existing 50 car dockside capacity to150 rail cars for direct transfer; and an asphalt surfaced open storage up to 18 acres.

Need RoRo capability? You've got it - 80 ft. wide with direct rail transfer if needed. When you are tallying up all our assets, remember to include high security that is built into the system that makes the Port of Port Arthur the ultimate direct transfer facility and finest forest products transit terminal in North America.

Total Dock Length: 3,102 feet (946 meters)
2 Berth Dock Length: 1,390 (424 meters)
3 Berth Dock Length: 1,712 (522 meters)
Apron Width: 100 feet (31 meters)
Ro/Ro Dock Width: 80 feet (24.39 meters)
Total Shed Storage: 518,400 sq. feet (48,159 sq. meters)
Open Storage: 17 acres asphalt surface (68,795 sq. meters)
Security: Fenced 3 sides and lighted beyond perimeter.
Port Rail System: 3 wharf tracks with up to 150 car capacity
                               2 shed tracks with up to 80 car capacity
                               6 track storage yard with up to 140 car capacity
The Port is connected to the KCS Railroad providing direct intermodal service to and from major markets of the United States and Canada. Truck Transportation: Convenient access to interstate highways. Port Equipment: The Port is equipped to handle any type breakbulk general cargo, including, but not limited to: forest products; iron and steel products; dry bulk cargoes; project and military cargo; and bagged and bailed goods.

   Hits: 1209




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