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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Port Penrhyn, Nord Irland, UK   
Sunday, 23. February 2025
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Port Penrhyn, Nord Irland, UK

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Telefon: 01248 352525

Port Penrhyn is situated towards the North Eastern entrance to the Menai Straits, close to the small cathedral City of Bangor. It is positioned 053 degrees 14 minutes North, 004 degrees 07 minutes West. The stone-faced jetties forming the berths run out from the shoreline at approximately 340 degrees (T).


The port is in the process of developing its commercial operations because of an expected growth in coastal shipping in the future. Environmentalists are increasing their lobbying efforts and have growing influence on Governments. National road systems are at breaking point, and Governments are finally trying to produce a coherent transport policy encompassing road, rail, air and sea movements. A small coaster using a 700/1000 BHP engine can deliver 1000 tonnes plus of cargo in one lifting. Compare this with the number of 20/30 tonne trucks required to deliver the same load, each driven by engines of approximately 380 BHP. It is clear to see that using the coaster is far more cost effective in terms of fuel consumption. It also eases road congestion, will have reduced wear and tear and is far more environmentally friendly. It is these facts which make Port Penrhyn extremely optimistic for the future.


North Wales and the North West of England is renowned for its industry which has traditionally used the Port of Liverpool for the vast majority of raw material imports/exports. The expansion of Port Penrhyn will not only provide healthy competition to the benefit of industry, but it may also open up alternative means of transporting Welsh natural resources to large industrial centres.

To find out how Port Penrhyn may help you, please take the time to fill out the form on our information request page. Alternatively, visit our contacts page for telephone numbers and contact names for more in depth discussions

   Hits: 1106




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