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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Port Royal, SC, USA   
Sunday, 23. February 2025
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Port Royal, SC, USA

29413 South Carolina
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Founded in 1942, the South Carolina State Ports Authority owns and operates public marine terminals at two port facilities: The Port of Charleston and the Port of Georgetown. These facilities are owner-operated terminals, meaning the SCSPA owns the terminals and operates them with its own staff. SPA staff works in all container cranes, run the container yard equipment, and operate gates at all terminals. The only exceptions are the licensed operators at the port, who license terminal space and operate their own yards and gates. SPA personnel do operate the dockside container cranes and the yard equipment for licensed operators.

The SCSPA is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors, each appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. Despite its status as a public agency dedicated to the economic development of the State of South Carolina, the SCSPA does not receive direct appropriations from the state for capital or operations expenses. Instead, the SCSPA operates like a private business, and funds its operations and investment efforts through its own revenue stream and ability to issue bonds.

Mission of the SCSPA

The mission of the South Carolina State Ports Authority is to contribute to the economic development of the State of South Carolina by fostering and stimulating waterborne commerce and shipment of freight.

In pursuit of this mission, the Authority will develop, operate and maintain competitive, cost-efficient, highly-productive cargo handling facilities in a fiscally responsible manner. The Authority will pursue economic opportunities that support & enhance its core business.


   Hits: 1163




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