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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Port Said, Egypt   
Sunday, 23. February 2025
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Port Said, Egypt

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Due to the importance of Ports and their vital roles in the national economy, Port Said Port Authority (PSPA), the Chairman and the staff, gives optimal priority for the development of ports under jurisdiction of Port Said Port Authority. The view is to turn these ports into distribution and attraction centers for international trade and shipping lines, making use of their unique locations and the growing increase in number of giant ships and the international trade.”
        Having this end as our prime priority, Port Said Port Authority is very keen to develop its ports to be able to match international ports development; compete globally in international maritime port industry; to attract a portion of world maritime trade market and major global shipping lines, whose key routes already pass through Suez Canal, taking full advantage of the strategic locations of PSPA ports. This also aims to make these ports as international transshipment and distribution centers; establish valued added investment and industries and creating job opportunities for the youth.
“From here the idea of developing Port Said East Port came into existence, which was recently inaugurated by
( President Mobarak ) in December 2004, and the port already achieved the best handling performance rates after one year of operation, taking full advantage of strategic location of the port on international trade route and most advanced operation tools, state of the art technology and efficient operating procedures.”
I wish to you nice callings at Port Said Ports and fruitful services.
We will not say that we deliver the best services,
but we will invite you to come and see us work.

   Hits: 1086




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