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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Port Stanley, Falkland Inseln   
Sunday, 23. February 2025
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Port Stanley, Falkland Inseln

Falkland Islands
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Telefon: 00500 27600

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The Falkland Islands Company owes its origins to a contract signed by Alexander Ross Lafone in 1846 for the right to kill and tame wild cattle in the Southern part of East Falkland.

He and his brother set up business as a joint stock company in 1851 which received its Royal Charter in 1852. The Company's principal product for over a century was wool from the flocks of sheep reared on its substantial landholdings in the islands. The farmlands have now been sold and today the company is a multifaceted commercial business with a wide range of diverse operations.

The Falkland Islands Company still retains its Royal Charter, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Falkland Islands Holdings plc, a public company quoted on the London Stock Exchange. The UK office provides a wide range of service support to the activities of the Company in the Islands and offers a direct link for most of its commercial and business activities. These range from Retailing and Distribution to Port Services & Shipping.

U.K. Office

The London Office of the FIC provides a wide range of support services to support the activities of the company. These include:
  • Purchase of all goods and materials required by the Company's operations.
  • Export administration and documentation.
  • Export packing, groupage and containerisation for Darwin Shipping.
  • Freight forwarding in the U.K. and internationally for suppliers, fishing companies & other third parties.
  • Air freight service for priority and emergency materials required in the Islands.
  • A travel agency facility for visitors to the Islands.
  • Liaison between the Company and their International clients.
  • Insurance for companies and individuals in the Islands.
  • In addition, the office offers a direct link with the U.K. for most of the commercial and business activities in the Islands.

   Hits: 1109




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