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Portland, Oregon, USA |
OR 97208-3 Portland Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können Website Telefon: 1.800.547.8411 The City of Portland is beginning work on a public process to annex and create a long-range land use plan for West Hayden Island (WHI). West Hayden Island is an undeveloped 800+ acre site, located on the west side of the island that also contains residences, boat moorages, the Jantzen Beach shopping center and other businesses. WHI was added to the region’s urban growth boundary in 1983 for marine industrial purposes. It is both a potentially important economic resource and an important natural resource, containing undeveloped open space in a location with habitat value. The west side of Hayden Island is not currently included in the City of Portland boundaries. If the City determines that multiple uses for this piece of land - making good use of both environmental and economic possibilities - are feasible, annexation would provide appropriate zoning and planning mechanisms for future marine and natural resource use. No industrial development is currently planned for WHI. When development is proposed in more detail, another community conversation would occur to discuss and plan for a specific use, which would likely include an additional bridge from West Hayden Island to North Portland. Collaborative planning now is a good way to coordinate with efforts currently underway to plan for the Columbia River Crossing project and the east side of Hayden Island. It is also the best way to ensure that the island can be improved for open space and natural resource enhancement, while also providing a designated area for future marine related development. Reaching regional agreement on a balanced approach will allow planning, management and enhancement efforts to proceed. Why Now?
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