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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Portsmouth, VA, USA   
Sunday, 23. February 2025
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Portsmouth, VA, USA

VA 23510 Norfolk
Telefon: 800-446-8098

At The Port of Virginia, we’re determined to set ourselves apart. Our Suez-class cranes can handle ships loaded 26 containers across—in fact, they can handle ships larger than any currently built. Our obstruction-free channels are 50 feet deep, making them the deepest channels available on the East Coast. Our renovation of Norfolk International Terminals has included new cranes, new straddle carriers, and a new wharf almost a mile long. Our commitment to the environment has led to new methods for operating our facilities, with the hope that one day we’ll be the greenest port in the country.

Come discover more reasons why The Port of Virginia is the superior choice.


  • The Port By the Numbers
  • The Port By the Numbers
  • The Port By the Numbers
  • The Port By the Numbers
  • The Port By the Numbers
  • The Port By the Numbers
  • The Port By the Numbers
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Meeting the Standard: ISO 9001:2000 and 14001 Certification

In 2008, the Port of Virginia achieved ISO 9001:2000 certification for their Quality Management System, put in place to ensure product and service quality.  The Port also achieved ISO 14001:2004 certification for their Environmental Management System, which aligns our current and future environmental initiatives with established operational improvement strategies.   

Our Mission

The Virginia Port Authority is committed to stimulating the commerce of the ports of the Commonwealth in an Environmentally sensitive and sound manner by providing products and services that meet or exceed the expectations of our customers through our TOTAL COMMITTMENT to continuous improvement.

   Hits: 1111




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