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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Häfen B arrow Bintulu, Malaysia   
Monday, 31. March 2025
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Bintulu, Malaysia

296,97007 Bintulu, Sarawak,Malaysia
Telefon: (086)253888

Bintulu Port one of the most modern and efficient multipurpose ports in South East Asia commenced its operations on 1st January 1983. The port is strategically located along the busy sealanes between the Far East and Europe on latitude 03 degree 16' N longitude 113 degree 04' E on the North East coast of Sarawak, Malaysia. In over just a decade it has demonstrated its ability to play an increasingly important role in Malaysia's external trade.

The port cover an area of 320 hectres and serves a fast-expanding hinterland that includes the vast economic region under the Bintulu Development Authority, in central Sarawak, as well as the outlaying regions in the resource-rich state of Sarawak and neighbouring states.The port is the only export gateway for Malaysia's biggest export earner-liquefied natural gas (LNG) produced from the Central Luconia field, off the Bintulu coast. In addition, it handles a growing volume of a variety of general cargo, liquid and dry bulk and containerized cargoes.

The port is well-equipped with dedicated berths and state-of-the art facilities to handle a variety of cargo and ships effectively. A wide range of cargo handling equipments and ancilliary facilities to meet the expanding and demanding requirements of the trade at the port are also available.An important feature which few ports provide and which Bintulu Port possesses is the Vessel Traffic Surveillance System (VTS) - crucial in monitoring, controlling and navigating vessels safely in the port water limits.

Since the commencement of its operation on January 1, 1983, the Port has enhanced its operational capabilities considerably to provide greater capacity and capability to meet the needs of the port users. The latest addition to the current facilities is a new dedicated container terminal with a total quay length of 450 metres. The container terminal is equipped with the latest and most modern port equipment and other supporting facilities similar to those available at other world class ports globally.

The vital role it plays in complementing the nation's oil and gas industry as well as being the most recognized port in handling containerized cargoes has earned the Port commendable reputation. Being an increasingly important world-class port, particularly in the BIMP-EAGA region, Bintulu Port is indeed the rising star and it has demonstrated its ability in nearly two decades to play an increasingly important role in Malaysia's external trade.

   Hits: 1526




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