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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Häfen E arrow Edan, Australien   
Monday, 31. March 2025
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Edan, Australien

NSW 1450 Camperdown
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Telefon: (61) (2) 9364 2035

Port of Eden

The Port of Eden is the most southern declared Port in NSW, and services the south coast of NSW, including the towns of Bega, Merimbula, Bombala and Cooma. The Port is home to one of the largest fishing fleets in NSW, and also has significant capacity to service the needs of a variety of importers and exporters.

Export of woodchips is currently the major trade for the port with approximately 954,000 tonnes exported last year by South East Fibre Exports Pty Ltd. This is supplemented by exports of softwood logs and general cargo from the multipurpose wharf, which was commissioned in late 2003.

The multi-purpose wharf has a length of 200 metres and approximately 6,000 square metres of paved storage area. It is capable of handling vessels of up to 32,000 dead weight tonnes and the depth alongside is 12.0 metres at datum. Ship's cargo gear is normally employed, although mobile cranes of up to 50 tonnes capacity are available with sufficient notice. The wharf is shared with the Department of Defence, and since its completion, has handled not only Warship visits, but Logging and Cruise Ships.

To facilitate trade through the Multi Purpose Wharf, NSW Maritime has developed an 8 hectare cargo storage facility approximately 300 metres from the wharf.

Latitude 37° 04.5 S; Longitude 149° 56.5 E.

Entrance depth into bay is 36 metres. Width of bay is 5 km wide. Bottom sand. MHWS 1.6m. MLWS 0.3m. VHF Channels 16, port working channel 8.

Time Zone: GMT + 10h

   Hits: 1376




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