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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Häfen E arrow Elsinore, Dänemark   
Monday, 31. March 2025
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Elsinore, Dänemark

DK-3000 Helsingør
Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können
Telefon: +45 49 21 05 15
The Port of Elsinore lies just south of Kronborg Castle at 56°2'1 North and 12°37'2 East. The Port Office provides a 24-hour service.

The port office is permanently tuned in to VHF channel 12, and ships leaving or entering the port are required to contact the port authorities on this channel for permission to leave/enter the port.

Observance of this procedure is vital, as the port is a very busy ferry port. There are 3 ferry companies with a total of 7 ferries transporting approx. 12 million passengers annually between Elsinore and Helsingborg.

But the Port of Elsinore has much more to offer!

There is also an excellent pleasure port benefiting from its proximity to Hamlet's castle, Kronborg, which provides the best backdrop imaginable for all the types of ship, which call at the port. Every year the port welcomes cruise vessels, old wooden vessels, schooners, ketches etc.

The fact that the port is an extension of the town's main street, Stengade, is an additional advantage for both the town and the port. Shipboard tourists can easily walk up into the town to go shopping, and the townsfolk can just as easily nip down to the port and savour the international atmosphere.

The Port of Elsinore is a commercial port, with all the associated advantages for the local business community, whose goods can be carried in the most environmentally friendly way to the port and loaded directly onto lorries for the last short leg of the journey.


  Map of the port
  Technical info.
  Port management

For further details, service or information,
please contact Elsinore Port Office.

   Hits: 1550




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