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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Häfen F arrow Freeport, Texas, USA   
Monday, 31. March 2025
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Freeport, Texas, USA

TX 77541 Freeport
Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können
Telefon: (979) 233-2667
Port Freeport came into being more than 100 years ago when the first jetty system was built in Freeport, Texas. Since that time, the Port has become one of the fastest growing ports on the Gulf Coast, and we are currently ranked as the 14th largest port in the United States in terms of foreign tonnage.

Unrestricted Access

Located just three miles from deep water, Port Freeport is one of the most accessible ports on the Gulf Coast. Our central Texas location offers efficient transportation via highway, railroad or intercoastal waterway, and our 400-foot-wide, 45-foot-deep channel ensures a fast, safe turnaround.

Unencumbered Growth

In addition to access, Port Freeport also possesses an abundance of available land. With over 7,500 acres available for development, you can be sure we have the room your company needs to grow. Of this amount, 1,400 acres are environmentally mitigated, and all of our parcels are accessible by water, highway and rail.

Unbeatable Attitude

Of course, having the right attitude is essential in any business deal. Which is why Port Freeport maintains a business philosophy that not only takes your needs into account, but also makes them our priority. As such, we are willing to do whatever it takes to help you accomplish your goals.

Unparalleled Experience

The safe handling of cargo is paramount to any port's success, and with insurance claims well below the industry average, Port Freeport's safety record speaks for itself. Your ship, cargo and documents are handled with the care that can only come from experience, and we are adept at applying that experience to virtually any type of cargo.

Unlike Other Ports

Port Freeport's flexible approach to doing business cuts through the red tape that is often associated with larger ports. We believe in creating opportunities, not obstacles. So if your company is in need of a different kind of port, consider the clear alternative.

   Hits: 1276




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