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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Häfen H arrow Hampton Roads, Virginia, USA   
Monday, 31. March 2025
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Hampton Roads, Virginia, USA

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Greetings from the staff at "Hampton Roads". Our webmaster, site designer, writers, editor, publisher, graphics artist, marketing specialists, chief cook, bottle washer and keyboard greaser all welcome you to our little corner of the Internet.

Actually, this site is the work of one man ... me. I hope it's useful and entertaining. My goal is simply to provide truthful and straight forward information for area residents and visitors. I'm promoting good clean fun.

I grew up in Hampton Roads when it was still called "Tidewater". Virginia Beach still had a lot of farmland, Chesapeake was the boonies and Suffolk was somewhere off the map. I left for college and career, but found my way back.

Want to get away from it all? The Eastern Shore is a beautiful peninsula of land between the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. My guide has hotels, campgrounds, towns, events, concerts, sports and more. It's the only guide to the Eastern Shore that covers both Maryland and Virginia.

Norfolk Visitor specializes in Norfolk cruises, but it also has information on attractions and hotels in the city. There's plenty to see and do in Norfolk, Virginia.

Thank you for your interest and support. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Greg Manter

   Hits: 1159




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