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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Häfen I arrow Izmir, Turkey   
Monday, 31. March 2025
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Izmir, Turkey

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Port Characteristics

PILOTAGE is compulsory for vessels entering or leaving the port. This service is provided by the Turkish Maritime Organization (TDI) round the clock. Towage is not necessary for the vessels up to 2000 GRT. it is provided by the Port Authority round the clock. 3 tugs are available up to 2500 HP.

SEA CRAFTS comprise one floating crane of 250 tons capacity, 3 tug boats, 3 rai! ferries and 2 mooring boats.

HANDUNG EQUIPMENT Container handling operations at the yard are carried out by 4 quayside gantry cranes of 40 tons capacity, 18 rubber tired transtainers of 40 tons capacity, 9 reach stackers of 25 to 42 tons capacity and 8 empty container forklifts of 8 to 10 tons capacity. 9 shore and yard cranes of 3 to 35 tons, 6 mobile cranes of 5 to 25 tons capacity, 8 standart and 30 small masted forklifts are also available. Another facility available at the terminal is the provision of reefer facilities for refrigerated containers.

3RD PARTY HANDUNG EQUIPMENT One MHC of 65 tons capacity.

CONTAINER LAND TERMINAL There exists an container land terminal outside the port (Göztepe) for stacking the empty containers. it covers an area of 55.000 sqm. and the holding capacity is 52.800 TEU. Container stuffing/unstuffing operations and custom clearances are made in the terminal.

BULK CARGO FACIUTIES A grain silo belonging to TMO (Turkish Grain Board) of 34.000 tons capacity is available and has a conveyor connection with the quay.

THE RAIL FERRY terminal and ferries are operated between Sirkeci and Haydarpasa. Three rail ferries each of 480 tons capacity are available.

   Hits: 1384




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