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Lorient, Frankreich |
56100 LORIENT Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können Website Telefon: 33 (0)2 97 87 76 00 SERVING BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Lorient is the number one commercial port in Brittany and was the 13th French port in 2007 with global goods trade of 2,860,000 tonnes. The Port of Lorient contributes to increasing the local business competitiveness in a global business environment and therefore works towards diversified trade. It is located at the heart of one of the most economically dynamic regions in France. Brittany’s industries focus on agriculture, fishing, agro-industry, car industry, naval construction, electronics and telecommunications. The Port of Lorient represents a major employment capacity in the Morbihan and Brittany region. In 2001 it generated nearly 2000 direct and indirect jobs for a total added value of 92 million euros and gross profit of 25 million euros. |
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