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Luleå, Sweden |
SE-971 27 Luleå Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können Website Telefon: +46 920 45 30 00 PresentationPort of Luleå is a public harbour which, in spite of its northerly position and thanks to excellent co-operation with modern state-run and locally operated ice-breakers, is open for shipping all the year round. The same excellent co-operation exists between the Harbour and the stevedoring company, both of whom make a common endeavour to offer our customers the best possible service. Within the port area there are four harbour sections: the Victoria Harbour where dry goods are handled, Uddebo for liquid products, and the industrial quays of LKAB and Cementa, respectively. The old quay for loading iron ore is used for governmental icebreakers and as a cruise port. The Harbour´s modern installations make it possible to handle all kinds of bulk goods, as well as general cargo. Around 570 vessels call at Port of Luleå every year, a substantial number of which have a loading capacity (deadweight capacity) of more than 70,000 tons. The annual volume of goods handled exceeds seven million tons, principally bulk goods, which confirms Luleå´s position as the largest bulk goods port in Sweden and one of the five largest ports in Sweden. The port is both well prepared and well equipped for the future and can at short notice construct new quays, since the dredging and other preparations have already been carried out. |
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