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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Häfen M arrow Mariupol, Ukraine   
Monday, 31. March 2025
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Mariupol, Ukraine

115146 PORT UX
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Telefon: 40 86 57

Since old days the Azov Sea being warm, rich of fish, curative, calm in summer and raging in autumn storms, attracted people. Greeks called it Meothide, Scyths - Kargulac, Slavs - Surogsky...

Economy of all countries in the world depends on commerce and commerce depends on effective transport work.
A Port is a gate on the way to national economy that is an active, developed enterprise capable to satisfy commerce, to be competitive and to provide with all kinds of services that partners want from it.
The Port of Mariupol has all conditions for that.
These are: availability of depth, highly developed equipment for performing transhipment, nearness to Industrial centres of Ukraine and Russia, good admittance through rivers deep into land, developed railway network, good communications, a post-mail, telegraph, airline connections, experienced agents and forwarders.

Welcome to mutually beneficial cooperation!

Chief of port The Mariupol Sea Commercial Port (MSCP) – is one of the leading port in the sea of Azov.
Its history starts from 1889, when in Russia necessity has appeared to join newly industrial areas by transport junctions not only in Russia but in other countries of Europe and America as well.
The Mariupol Port is erecting along with such historical events as Eiffele Tower opening in Paris (1889) and the Day of workers celebration in Chicago (started on 1 May in 1889). That’s why our staff is very grateful to the founders and creators of Mariupol Port.
Nowadays, the Maruiupol Port is one of the leading one in Ukraine on mechanization, hydro-engineering buildings, cargo handling volumes, services and other showings in maritime sphere.
Also the Mariupol Port is among leading European ports on fruitful using each meters of berth area.
Each year port simultaneously builds specialized and ordinary berth complexes, new technologies are provided, experienced stuff is trained and selected, conditions of working and leisure are up-to-date, constant environmental protection is held and, of course, volumes of cargo handling increase yearly to meet demands of all our clients.
Owing to the considered top management as well as competent local control, workers of Mariupol port are sure in future of there family and enterprise.
Dynamic indicators proved that engineers had took right decision in 19 century to erect the port in very Mariupol, and this enterprise would have brilliant future. We look ahead with great optimism and are always ready to discuss mutually beneficial business proposition from new partners.

   Hits: 1445




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