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Maslenica, Kroatien |
51000 Rijeka, Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können Website Telefon: + 385 51 213-787
Covered by JADROAGENT Zadar Lat: 44° 13' N; Long: 15° 32' E.NOTE: The port is out of use since early 1992. Situated in Gulf of Novigrad, it is therefore necessary to pass trough Novsko Zdrilo. Admiralty Chart: 515 Admiralty Pilot: 47 Time Zone: GMT + 1 h UNCTAD Locode: HR MAS AUTHORITY Lucka Ispostava OBSTRUCTIONS The fairway is spanned by the new brodge with a headroom 65x85 m. Max air draft 75 m. DOCUMENTS and ETA requirements. PILOTAGE Compulsory for Vessels over 500 GT. Pilot position for Port Maslenica before Novsko Zdrilo. ACCOMMOD The Port of Maslenica lies E of the Maslenica Bridge. During winter season strong N winds blow in this port. The depth of the channel is 25 m. Owing to the heavy stream in the channel (up to 4 knots), Port Authorities was allowing passage to vessels below 120 m length, having a 8.0 md max. The berth at Maslenica is 120 m long with four dolphins. Depth of water 10 m. Bauxite was loaded by one elevator at 2000 t/day. WATER Available from Zadar. PROVISION Provisions obtainable from Zadar, which is 32 km distance from Maslenica REPAIR Minor repairs are possible by shipyard "Brodoremont Zadar", Zadar TOWAGE Compulsory. Tug from 150 hp. MEDICAL |
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