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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Häfen N arrow Nawiliwili Harbor, Kauai, Hawaii, USA   
Monday, 31. March 2025
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Nawiliwili Harbor, Kauai, Hawaii, USA

HI 96813-4 Honolulu
Telefon: (808) 587-3651

About the Harbors Division:

The State of Hawaii(STATE), Department of Transportation-Harbors Division(DOT-H) is located at 79 South Nimitz Highway, the Hale Awa Ku Moku building. The DOT-H administers the statewide commercial harbor system for the STATE which consists of 10 commercial harbors.

The ports serving the STATE are Honolulu Harbor, Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor, and Kewalo Basin on the island of Oahu; Port Allen and Nawiliwili Harbors on the island of Kauai; Kahului Harbor on the island of Maui; Hilo Harbor and Kawaihae Harbor on the island of Hawaii; Kaunakakai Harbor on the island of Molokai; and Kaumalapau Harbor on the island of Lanai.

Honolulu Harbor is the primary harbor and the hub of the commercial harbor system. Essentially all of the STATE’s overseas waterborne traffic enters and leaves this harbor. It is also the focal point for inter-island cargo transportation.

Hawaii is a port of destination where large volumes of cargo pass over its piers for consumption in the STATE. Hawaii imports 80% of its required goods with 98% shipped via water.

DOT-H operates the harbor system on a self-sustaining basis, i.e., by imposing rates, rentals, fees and charges, or combination thereof, for the use and services of the harbor system which are necessary to pay all expenses of the harbor system. DOT-H is self-supporting and not reliant on the STATE’s General Fund.

The function of the DOT-H is to service the Oahu (Honolulu Harbor, Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor and Kewalo Basin), Maui (Kahului, Kaumalapau, and Kaunakakai Harbors), Kauai (Nawiliwili and Port Allen Harbors) and Hawaii (Hilo and Kawaihae Harbors) Districts.

   Hits: 1446




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