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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Häfen N arrow Newport News, Virginia, USA   
Saturday, 22. February 2025
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Newport News, Virginia, USA

VA 23501
Telefon: (757) 440-7000
The arrival of the Virginia-Class cranes, the good publicity about the port, and the increased public awareness has brought many visitors and guests to our terminals. It is important to protect the safety of all visitors while we conduct our business and educate the public and guests.

The following guiding principles should be observed when conducting port tours for visitors and guests:

  1. You must obtain security clearance through the VPA Police for all visitors and guests entering the terminal. 
  2. No visitors or guests are allowed in the “Blue Zone” at the waterfront area of the terminals during tours.
  3. Visitors and guests on tours are not allowed to board or operate any equipment.
  4. Visitors and guests on tours are to be discouraged from departing their conveyance.
    1. Any visitors or guests who are anticipated to depart the tour vehicle for any reason, must have completed and signed waivers in advance of the tour.  These waivers must be delivered to VIT Risk Manager prior to entering the terminal.
    2. Any visitors or guests who exit the tour vehicle, other than to enter the Control Tower or Administrative Offices, must wear a hardhat and observe all port safety rules. 
  5. Tour vehicles and visitor conveyances are not permitted in any container handling areas and are restricted to observing container operations only from the locations identified on the attached terminal maps.  Care should be taken to determine the safest route to these observations points while conducting the tour. 
  6. Visitor and customer tours are to be conducted by VPA/VIT Management personnel only, no exceptions. 
  7. Any exceptions to these policies are permitted ONLY with written approval from the VPA Executive Director or the VIT General Manager.  This must be obtained in advance of the tour, and should be accompanied by signed waiver forms placed on file with the VPA Police upon entrance to the terminals. 
  8. Technical tours by visiting Engineering or Maintenance Personnel of cranes, will be permitted only with the authorization of the VIT Director of Engineering and Maintenance and are accompanied by signed waiver. 
  9. Tours with large groups are encouraged to use the Control Tower whenever possible. 
  10. Deliberate disregard of these guidelines constitutes a safety compromise and may result in disciplinary action.

   Hits: 1293




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