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Odessa, Ukraine |
Email: Diese E-Mail Adresse ist gegen Spam-Bots geschützt, Sie müssen Javascript aktivieren, damit Sie es sehen können Website Telefon: 729-35-55, ENERAL CHARACTERISTICS Technical facilities of the port allow to process more than 18 million tons of dry cargoes and 25 million tons of liquid cargoes annually. Developed infrastructure allows delivering cargo by auto, railway, marine and river transport. Specialized terminals of the port with large park of handling equipment and hauling devices allow handling wide range of cargoes. Port's universality provides handling practically of any kind of cargoes: oil and crude oil in bulk, condensed gas; tropical and vegetable oil, technical oil, containers, non-ferrous and ferrous metal; ore, cast iron, raw sugar in bulk; grain in bulk; paper, perishable cargoes in containers; different general cargoes in bags, boxes, parcels, barrels and integrated cargo units. There are eight handling complexes for dry cargoes processing, passenger complex, oil and container terminals, complex for technical and vegetable oil processing on the 133,3 hectares of the port territory. The modern container terminal with annual capacity more than 500.000 TEU per year is also to your services. Special (free) Economic Zone "Porto-Franko" is situated on the Quarantine pier. |
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