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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Häfen O arrow Palacios, Texas, USA   
Monday, 31. March 2025
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Palacios, Texas, USA

77465 Texas
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Telefon: 361.972.5556
About Us

Matagorda County Navigation District No. 1 is a Special District formed in 1940 and authorized by the Texas State Legislature to promote commercial and recreational fishing, maintain a navigable waterway and to protect the coastal environment. When MCND#1 was initially organized, our stated mission was to provide a safe harbor for the boats that use the boat channel that was dug by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers across Matagorda Bay, from the Intracoastal Canal to Palacios. That mission remains a vital part of our purpose today.

Mission Statement

The Matagorda County Navigation District #1 exists to serve its Customers and Taxpayers by maintaining and developing safe navigation and marine facilities in an efficient and cost effective manner and, through this service, to stimulate economic development and the retention and creation of jobs in our District.

The Board of Commissioners of MCND#1 is an elected body which establishes the policies for the administration, operation, maintenance and development of Port property. The Port Director implements the policies approved by our commissioners and establishes the procedures by which these policies are to be achieved. The Port Director is the on-site manager responsible for administration and management of all Port assets and personnel. The Port Director's support team includes administrative, accounting, and maintenance personnel. Administrative offices are located at 1602 Main Street in Palacios, Texas.

   Hits: 1198




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