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DSR Reederei Seeleute Schiffsbilder
Home arrow Seeleutekatalog arrow Hafen-Infos / Ship-Movements arrow Häfen S arrow Sullom Voe, Shetland Islands, UK   
Wednesday, 23. October 2024
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Sullom Voe, Shetland Islands, UK

ZE2 9QR Shetland
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Telefon: 01806 244200
Shetland, the northernmost part of the United Kingdom, consists of approximately 100 islands and has over 900 miles of coastline with several ports and many piers.

The largest port in Shetland is the major oil port of Sullom Voe, for which the Shetland Islands Council, as Harbour Authority, is responsible. Originally built for production from the North Sea oil and gas fields, Sullom Voe now also handles oil from the Atlantic Frontier, West of Shetland.

Despite the fact that it is one of the largest, Sullom Voe is one of the cleanest oil ports in the world with no discernible effect on the harbour’s abundant marine life.

In addition to Sullom Voe the Shetland Islands Council, as Harbour Authority, has responsibility for the operation of a number of smaller ports and piers located around the islands.

The largest of these is the port of Scalloway which is located on the West coast of the Shetland mainland and is ideally situated for servicing oil related shipping in the West of Shetland oil fields.

The small ports and piers are used principally by small craft involved in fishing and the aquaculture industry, with Scalloway being a designated fishing port and the main fishing port on Shetland’s West coast.

The recently upgraded pier facilities at Cullivoe, Yell is widely used by the Scottish and Shetland white fish fleets being so close to the major fishing grounds.

Sailing is a popular activity in Shetland and there are a number of marinas situated around the islands which have facilities for visiting yachts.


   Hits: 1281




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